Today I was in a bit of a hurry so I decided to give myself a bit of drama with the least amount of effort. How do you do this? Use a dramatic color as a thick eyeliner of course! I chose Cotton Candy because it has a nice shimmer effect and shows a nice pink without playing up any redness in the skin or overexposed veins around the eyes.
What I did was very simple - I took my soft angled brush, dabbed it in a bit of water and then into my shimmer pot. That got a nice amount onto my brush and then I basically just drew out my line, pulling it slightly up on the end at the top lashline. For the lower lashline I used the same angled brush with the remaining shimmer left on it.
I started with a thin line as close to underneath my lower lashes as I could possible get and built out from there. I built out because I didn't want to end up with too thick a line on the bottom. That's a sure way to end up looking unpleasantly bruised.
It's a really simple look to do and works with all the shimmers. All you need is your favorite color, an angled brush (which I will have available on the site soon!), and a bit of water.
You should try it!
Cotton Candy Shimmer

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